
Professor Christopher James. Biomedical Enginering. University of Warwick


Grant Award (PI) - Medical Innovation Research. Wessex Medical Research, funding research fight disease (2015).

The Company of Biologists (UK) Award. Vincent O'Connor/Lindy Holden-Dye lab. University of Southampton (UK), (2014).

International Research Brain Organization (IBRO) Research-Award - In-Europe Stay. Vincent O'Connor/Lindy Holden-Dye lab. University of Southampton (UK), (2014)

Research Grant Award - Health and Research Council, Andalusian Goverment (Spain). SoNG (Southampton Neuroscience Group), Lindy Holden-Dye’s lab. University of Southampton (UK) (2013).

Award in the form of innovation in the media, systems, resources and technology in teaching. Social Council at the University of Cordoba (2010).

IBRO, (Internacional Brain Research Organization) fellowship. 1st Kemali-IBRO, Mediterranean School of Neuroscience, Naple, Italy (2009).

Postgraduate fellowship. Ministry of Education. Master in Molecular, Cellular Biology and Genetics. University of Cordoba. Spain (2008-2009).

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